What’s The Point | Biblical Genres and Apocalyptic Literature - Hebrews 4:11-13 | September 1

In this episode from Mountainside Church, we delve into the rich tapestry of the Bible, exploring the different genres that make up this holy text. From narratives and poetry to wisdom literature and prophecy, each genre offers unique insights and revelations about God's Word. We also touch upon the significance of understanding these genres to enhance our interpretation and appreciation of the Bible. Join us as we uncover the beauty and complexity of God's message, and learn how to become faithful and careful readers of His Word.

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What’s The Point | How to Read the Bible? - Hebrews 4:12-13 | August 25

You are reading your Bible wrong! We often read the Bible with the right intentions but use less than helpful methods, treating it like a textbook or reference guide. Instead, we should approach it as a living story, written for us but not to us. The Bible was crafted in a different time and culture, meant to guide us towards God, not just provide direct answers. While our natural instincts about seeking truth, wisdom, and God’s voice in Scripture are good, we must read it holistically and contextually to fully grasp its transformative power. Just read it!

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What’s The Point | What Is The Bible? - Hebrews 4:12-13 | August 18

Join us as we uncover the importance of the scriptures, not as a mere law book or instruction manual, but as a life-giving, transformative narrative that leads us to Jesus Christ. Discover how engaging with the Bible can profoundly impact your life and why it is crucial to read it with a heart open to its treasures. This episode is a call to fall in love with the Word of God, to meditate on it, and to let it shape our lives.

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Movement | Inviting Our Neighbors to Join Us - James 2:14-26 | August 4

Our mission is to be a place where Heaven meets Earth, proclaiming the universal reign of God, embodying Jesus to our community, and inviting our neighbors to join us in becoming real people, who are part of a real family, and who worship the real God. We are God's image-bearers and Jesus as the firstborn of all creation redefines community and discipleship for us. And so, living out our faith practically urges us to invite others into God's story and prioritize His mission.

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Movement | Embodying Jesus to Our Community - John 1:14 | July 28

To embody Christ, we must walk in Him, rooted in His teachings, built up in His love, and established in His faith. This looks like living out the Sermon on the Mount, loving our enemies, praying for those who persecute us, giving to the needy, fasting, and seeking first the kingdom of God. It looks like bearing the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It looks like being a community that reflects the character of Christ, pursuing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God.

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Movement | Proclaim the Universal Reign of God - Romans 10:13-15 | July 21

This message is a compelling call to action for believers to prioritize their relationship with God, share their faith boldly, and make divine guidance the cornerstone of their daily lives. Prioritize God in all aspects of your life, as He is infinitely more important than any worldly concern. Live out the Gospel by letting your actions reflect Christ's teachings and love. Share the Gospel intentionally, seeking opportunities for real conversations that lead to gospel discussions. Serve others, disciple them, and obey the Holy Spirit's guidance. Our mission is to spread God's love and salvation to all, fulfilling the Great Commission and bringing hope to the lost.

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Movement | Where Heaven Meets Earth - Revelation 7:9-10, 21:1-5 | July 14

The mission of the church is to create a space where Heaven meets Earth. The vision is for God's presence to overlap with our lives, transforming our world and ultimately leading to a renewed creation where God dwells with His people. Jesus' life, death, and resurrection make this possible, and believers are called to actively participate in this mission until the Earth reflects Heaven.

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Movement | We Have A Mission - Proverbs 29:18, Matthew 28:19-20 | July 7

We need to understand and embrace our mission: to make disciples by embodying Jesus in our communities and proclaiming God's universal reign. This involves living out our faith authentically, inviting others to join us in worship and community. Actively seek to align our life with God's purpose, impacting the world for His glory.

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The Why of Love | Four Ingredients to being an Irresistible Disciple - 1 Corinthians 16 | June 23

Paul gives in his final exhortations of 1 Corinthians four ingredients to make irresistible disciples. " Wake up!" That is, stay vigilant. Be on the alert. "Stand up!" Seize what is already yours! Retain it. Don't let it go! Don't go back on what God has already given you! "Grow up!" Is the trend in your life and actions moving toward an increased likeness to Jesus? And "pray it up!" Tough times lay ahead. We need the Spirit of God at work in our lives, strengthening us. All four of these commands are to be done drenched in the atmosphere of unconditional, self-sacrificing, God-enabled love we just read a few weeks back in chapter 13.

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The Why of Love | Don't Waste Your Life - 1 Corinthians 15 | June 16

A life devoted to God and His work is not wasted. By focusing our lives on living for Jesus, becoming like Jesus, telling all peoples in all places about Jesus and demonstrating Him in the way we live, we ensure our lives have eternal significance. Everything done for the Lord, no matter how small, is meaningful and contributes to a rich, fulfilling existence. Therefore, devote yourself fully to God's work, live selflessly, and share the Gospel, knowing that nothing done for His glory is ever wasted.

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The Why of Love | Build Up the Church in Love - 1 Corinthians 14 | June 9

Use spiritual gifts to edify the church, focusing on gifts that strengthen, encourage, and comfort others. This process is part of being conformed into the image of God. Each gift is an expression of God's love, intended to foster faith in others. Grow together in Christ-likeness and unity, building a strong, unified community of faith. This mutual growth and support are essential for creating a supportive and spiritually vibrant church.

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The Way of Love | A More Excellent Way - 1 Corinthians 13 | June 2

The essence of true love, as described in the Bible, is a self-sacrificing nature known as agape love. This love is patient, kind, and selfless, standing in contrast to cultural norms of reciprocity and self-interest. Genuine love requires humility, endurance, and prioritizing others' spiritual well-being over personal gain. The repeated lesson is that true love is humble, others-focused, and enduring, reflecting God's boundless love for humanity. "Love dies" signifies the need to die to self, preference, and injustice for the sake of others.

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The Way of Love | Expressions of Love - 1 Corinthians 12 | May 26

Spiritual gifts are not about individual talents or recognition but about expressions of love empowered by the Holy Spirit to strengthen the faith of others. Each person is uniquely gifted to serve the body of Christ, and these gifts should be used selflessly to foster unity and mutual encouragement within the community. The focus is on loving and serving others, making God's love manifest through our actions, and recognizing that every member's contribution is valuable and essential to the health of the body.

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The Way of Love | Principles of Ordered Worship - 1 Corinthians 11 | May 19

In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul emphasizes the inherent dignity and honor in being a woman, asserting that both men and women are created in God's image, thus possessing equal value and purpose. He highlights the distinctiveness of gender roles, encouraging the celebration, not elimination, of these differences. The relationship within the Trinity, where Christ submits to God while being equal, exemplifies that authority does not equate to inequality. Therefore, men and women, while different, are interdependent and equal, each fulfilling unique, God-honoring roles.

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The Way of Love | Beauty and Honor - 1 Corinthians 11 | May 12

Today we celebrate the beauty and honor of womanhood in God's economy of equality. In prayer, prioritize humility and submission to God's word. Acknowledge the limitations of human understanding and guard against imposing personal interpretations on Scripture. Seek understanding and guidance from God's word with humility, allowing it to shape and transform your heart. Embrace difficult passages rather than avoiding or distorting them, recognizing that all of Scripture is for your growth and understanding, even if it challenges cultural norms or personal preferences.

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The Who of Love | The Confessions of Communion - 1 Corinthians 10 | May 5

1 Corinthians chapter 10 concludes the first part of a series on love, emphasizing the importance of selflessness and unity in Christian fellowship. Paul addresses the Corinthians' misuse of communion, warning against idolatry and selfishness. Communion symbolizes participation in Christ's body and should be approached with reverence and consideration for others. It's a declaration of faith, unity, and devotion to God, reminding us to prioritize our relationship with Him and our love for others above all else.

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The Who of Love | Compelled by Love - 1 Corinthians 9 | April 28

We are compelled by Christ's love to live a life of giving, sacrifice, and love. We prioritize the Gospel over personal gain. We invest in God's mission. Sacrifice is defined as giving up what we love for something we love more. Ultimately, love for Christ and His mission should drive all our actions, leading us to a transformed life. The prize pursued is sharing the blessings of the Gospel, motivates believers to live purposefully pursuing faith and joy for others.

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The Who of Love | Knowledge and Love - 1 Corinthians 8 | April 21

Knowledge alone is not enough; it must be coupled with love. Right knowing leads to right loving. The Corinthians' concern over idolatry revealed their broken knowing. True knowing, real love, embodied in the love God has shown us, is crucial, as it reveals God's love to the world. Loving our brothers means prioritizing their spiritual well-being over our desires. And to truly understand love, we must fix our gaze on God, the only one worthy of our fixation.

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Resurrection | Between Two Mountains - Hebrews 12:18-29 | April 7

There are many important Biblical events that take place on the tops of mountains. These stories shape our lives and call us to step into a deeper relationship with God who has gone through such lengths to enter into a relationship with those who fall short of His glory. He is after our hearts. Jesus is better and invites us into a better way of living.

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Resurrection | I am the Resurrection and the Life - John 11:1-44 | March 31

The resurrection isn't just a past event; it offers present transformation and hope. Believing in Jesus brings spiritual rebirth and empowers believers to face life's challenges. The central question remains: Do you believe?

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